Sunday 11 December 2011

Construction of the Website

We decided to construct the website on which is an online website creator and is a simple way to construct webpages because it has ready to use templates and also easy editing tools. Once we had picked the template that we found on the band template section we opened up the edit page and started to create FranKo's page. We found an issue as soon as we had started editing and this was that we couldn't upload any images inside of school as the servers had ban this function so we had to do this when we where at home or using another connection. So first we started on the tour section of the page where we had to create both venues and also dates. The dates would have to put in would have to be relevant to when the album release is because the whole point of the tour is to promote the album and encourage the audience to buy it. Even though this isn't the case in the music industry at the moment because of increase of illegal downloading which means that all the money is being made from live performances and shows. We then based our dates on the album release date and found venues that would suit our target audience.

These are the dates and venues that we decided on. 
We also decided to make our webpage fully connective so we added in social network buttons that would be linked to FranKo's Twitter, Facebook and Myspace pages.

These are networking buttons that we have added to the page. 
This is our webpage in progress. As you can see we are adding in the written details first and then working on the design.

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