Monday 12 December 2011

Day for Night Effect

We said in the planning stages of our video that we where going to shoot in the day even though our video is set at night and then using both camera settings and editing techniques we would make it look like the video was shoot at night. When it came round to adding the effects onto the clips when we where editing we had to think about how we wanted our video to look because we didn't want to add to many effects onto to clips. A side effect of this could be that the clips comes out to dark or that they become to complex because of all the filters that are layered over the clip. The main way that we controlled the day for night effect is through colour correction which is a tool which lets you change and distort the colour of the clip. The issue that I ran into when doing this was that I could apply the the colour correction to every single clip at once but seeing as every single clip had different lighting I had to go through them all and tweak the colour correction so it suited the individual clip and made it seem like it was night.  

This is the colour correction panel and allows you to distort and tweak the colour on individual clips.  

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