Monday 14 November 2011

The Positives And Negatives Of The Shot

Jack's Positives 

  • We had planned our timings right by this I mean we started shooting when the sun was raising (6:00am) and we ended the shot when the sun was going down (4:30pm). This means that we got a whole day of shooting and managed to get all of our shots both performance and narrative done and this has cut down the editing process considerably because we can start sooner. 
  • Another positive about the day of the shoot was that we did have all the equipment that we needed so that we weren't constricted as to what we could shot. We made sure that we had all the equipment by creating separate lists for both actors and crew so they knew what they had to wear and also bring to the shot. We also contacted them a day before and confirmed details like what time we where collecting them and also that they knew what they where wearing. This aspect is important because by having already organised the actors and ourselves we where prepared when got to the location so we got set up straight away. 
  • We also structured our shot well to, we did this by organising all the individual shots we needed so that we could shot them all efficiently and so that we weren't rushing about wasting time. We organised all the shots by having our shot list printed out with us and then from this we could tell what shots we needed to get first in a certain location and then where we needed to move to next.
  • Our actors were also in a fairly good mood, They knew the song well and our lead singer Liam was comfortable with the lyrics but only regularly did he forget where he was whilst carrying out an action.
  • We had prepared for basically everything, batteries dying, tapes running out so when these things came to happen we handled it well, so everything went smoothly in that sense.

Jodie's Negatives

  • Although the weather was nice this was a drawback for us as we were trying to find areas of the heath that were shaded form the sun so that we could film as if it were night. we found this quite challenging since each master shot we took we had a selection of sun and sky and when filming some parts we had to shield the sun from the actors so we didn't have the trees shadow reflected on the instruments or on the actors.
  • Another Negative was that there were public people wandering around the heath on dog walks so when we went to one location and people walked past we had to wait until they were out of the shot. They were however not a distraction to the actors whilst filming and the people were very polite and steered clear of where we filmed. 
  • One thing we did underestimate was how hard it was to fit the drum set in one car so this made us take 2 trips from the heath back to danny's house which wasn't far so it didn't cause much of a hastle, however after finishing shooting we were able to fit the entire drum set into Jodie's car who then took that back while Jack waited at the heath car park with the actors and the rest of the equipment.
After finishing filming, we believe it was a successful day as we got all the footage we needed and most things went smoothly. We now know that if we have to film anymore footage for the music video how to prepare for the worst and how to avoid spoiling the clips.

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